Saturday 9 March 2013


Continuing from the previous lesson we ended off with a short video. the next thing we need to do before we complete it would be to add a title.

If you have your project opened the next thing we need to do is click the Media Generator tab on the left panel then choose Titles and Text ( See below)

Then you will need to choose the type of title that we will need.
choose default and drag this to you time line. you will see a dialog box pop up once the title is added. this will give you the option to edit your text. (as shown below)

You can now enter your text. we will call it "The Evil Inside" After you named it you can change font size, colour or style. then close the dialog box.  There are obviously more advanced options here but we will keep it simple for now.

You have your text added but if you play it back you can see it doesn't fade in. so doesn't look quite right. Next step we need to do a fade in and fade out.  If you put your cursor next to the top right corner of the text clip you will see a piece of pie show that will allow you to fade the track. (as shown below)

Once you have completed this on the left you will need to the same on the right
(as shown below)

That looks much better!

Next lesson we will make some final adjustment before saving!

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