Saturday 9 March 2013



1. Camera
2. Tripod
3. Editing software
4. A story
5. Time

So if your new to film making or just making video in general then you probably wont know where to start,  so I decided to put together a blog on how to get started. I know everyone has their own way of making videos but this is my way when I started. If you have some experience in film making this blog isn't for you. This is for the people that have no idea what to do or what they need to get started.

First thing you will obviously need is a camera,  it doesn't have to be expensive just something that will give you decent video quality. You can even use your mobile phone. I started out digital but it wasn't HD by any means. so anything will work at this point.

So now you have your camera but don't know where to start. For me I am a very visual person so the first thing that came to mind were difference scenes and camera positions. Be creative and just sit and think about a way you can do this. Example: sit your camera on the floor under the bed showing characters feet as they get out of bed and walk out of the room. This especially great for horror films.

OK, so you don't have a story. Of course the story is the most important part of any film. it doesn't matter what tricks you pull, If the story sucks then nobody will wanna watch it, but for a beginner you just need to focus on learning the technical part, this will come later.

So you have a idea in mind and don't have anyone to be in the film and your probably embarrassed to ask a friend because your new and don't really know what your doing. Well my first film. I was the star!

I understand if you don't like to be in front of the camera. but this part doesn't require you to speak at all. just react as you normally would. Your first film doesn't even need to make sense. It's just to get the concept on how the whole thing works.

OK so the next step consist of different clips put together so we need to film them separately.  This first project consist of 4 clips. you will need a tripod for this project. If you don't have one. You could put your camera on a table or shelf of some sort.

Clip 1.  Sit your camera up near your bed. Film yourself pretend sleeping. Your not an actor? Well that's OK just pretend for now u are.  you will get actors later when you get better at it. Right now your the actor.  So your laying there and pretend sleeping and then you wake up quickly to the sound of someone knocking on the door.  You leave the room. OK that's a cut!  Most of these scenes are gonna be really short so don't think you need to make them long. Just a few seconds.

Clip 2. You will film the door as if someone is turning the knob. Focus on the door knob shaking. Again. this clip is probably 4 secs. 

Clip 3.  Next scene your gonna film is your feet as you leave the room, you will recreate the same as clip 1. but camera view will be from under your bed.

Clip 4.  Final clip will show you walking towards the door. So set your tripod next to the door and film yourself walking towards it.
I know this doesn't end the scene very well so if you wanna add more to this
thats fine. I just wanted to get you started.

Ok so now you have all 4 clips and want to know how to put it together. Next tutorial I will show you how to put this together and begin editing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris....this is a beautiful web it. I think it's very gracious and kind of you to share your knowledge about photography and everything that goes with it. Keep up the great work.

